Thursday, August 18, 2011

My blackberry messeeger and internet wont work! :S?

My bbm's dont send , they dont even say delivered and the internet says cant connect to the internet and ive topped up as well and it still wont work and my signal bar is just saying UMA please help xx

Best way to respond..... after ?

had after a 4 month courtship. i was very cautious but it finally happened after a couple of drinks last week, because i trusted him. right after we had he was sweet and cuddly. told me how beautiful i was, asked me when he's going to see me again, and even said he thinks he's falling in love. the next day he was gentle and i let him make the move to kiss me and there was no awkwardness even when we saw each other briefly later on during the day. I've worked really hard at staying cool and collected during the past four months (i let him initiate contact and tried not to show that i was nuts about the guy) which is a huge achievement for a recovering clinger. thing is i haven't heard from him since..... he's a musician - which could mean a couple of things. now I'm thinking that he's perfected the art of wooing and that i was the perfect challenge.... its sad.... obviously feel used and all of that, especially when I think of how comfortable we were with each other (and please don't tell me its because i was a "bad lay" we were great together) did i give it up to soon? just wondering what the best response would be right now. obviously me ego is a little bruised but I'm not going to act like the victim here. if that's how he is, he's not worth it. anyhow. do i disappear off the scene for a while, do i act like nothings wrong or do i confront him?

Where do I even start- I know basically next to nothing about cars?

Can anyone give me like a basic well known awesome models intro? I don't know if that's possible /: haha For example, why is the Pontiac Firebird so fricking amazing? is it simply because of it's looks or is there something else to it?

How does the bronsted-lowry definition of acids and bases explain CO2, which is an acid?

Bronsted acid donates a proton while Bronsted base accepts a proton. CO2 donates a proton: hence, it is a Bronsted acid.

What do you think of this poem i wrote for a girl?

Nice to share with the guys, it's got a good flow and it's pretty funny but I don't recommend giving it to a girl because you might get slapped. Personally though...goooooood shiiitttt man.

I am so mad at the US now so so so so mad?

I just got done seeing a bunch of people in iraq and afghanistan blown up with their arms legs and necks mangled every which way. someones baby with it's head blown off and smashed someones son with his mid leg chopped off, people sweeping up pools of blood to more pools of blood. people burnt to a crisp others "lucky" enough to survive with their burns...? How could someone like this be elected and not to say TWICE? these people have done nothing wrong. didnt anyone in the US have enough warning from his dad the first bush?

Hi girls, I am thirty six and just wondering has anybody found a wrinkle cream that works!?

I am all for ageing gracefully and quite happy with my skin at the moment but has anybody found a serum/wrinkle cream that they have felt actually works and helps to keep skin looking great, I think I look okay for my age and want to stay that way! I currently use Oil of Olay but am happy to buy something more expensive if anyone has found anything that they think actually works. Thanks xxx

What Airline(s) Flies Horses Across Country/Internationally?

I would like to fly my horse internationally and stateside. I live in the US. What airline(s) provide equine flight service? Thank you.

What did Albert Einstein mean by saying this?

That in the end forcing someone to be faithful is not good for anyone. Faithfulness should be a choice by all parties involved. If it is forced then someone's freedom is being taken away.

To any one whos ever fought the school system?

im a teen mom (please no comments on that) i go to a school program called the teen parent program its basically a school for teen moms and now my school district is considering not letting a few students go back next year and i may be one of them now this has been the best thing for my education i make straight As and Bs thair i have been able to Focus on my school work because its not ase stressful ase an invierment ase the high school also i can take my son and believe me i love that i love being with my son ever moment and on the days im unable to take him they don't mind that i call or text to check on him and the high school wouldn't be understanding if i need to check on him every hour of the day especially because he was a growth restricted baby they have no idea why and any problems can come with that so im scared also i don't think i could handle the stressful invierment thair all the constant drama and i also have mive depression i really don't think i will be able to handle it thair iv even considered dropping out witch i really don't want to do i want the best for my son and i want to be the best role model i can for him but i cant be a good mommy when im pushed to the edge every day so is their any way i can convince them to let me stay if they decide they don't want me to go their any more (also im a nobody to them)

Am I overacting to a solicitation my husband made for casual by responding to a Craigslist post?

Yep, he's a Craigslist dog. There is NO telling where he's been and WHO he has done. If he went through that much trouble to write it, I'm sure he has acted on it. It's just too easy these days. Next time you kiss him, think about where those lips have been, and his wiener up inside some nasty he met on craigslist. Nice guy, sounds like a guy to die for. Don't let this one get away!

Chances of getting into the Military? braches in order for joining?

With how the economy is right now and your convictions, honestly you probably dont have a good chance. Instead of asking a bunch of random people on the internet, How about contacting the recruiters yourself?

Has anyone used color contact lens from Color VUE Lens?

Is this brand good? How is it different from other popular brand like Acuuve....? If someone think this brand is not good, what's the reason??

How can i get ccw ped in illinois?

i live in IL.. i want to get ccw allowed in my state.. how could i do that... im sick and tired of bein defenseless... i got jumped by 6 gangbangers and am fed up with the bs.. we DESERVE to be protected to...

I had a dream about shopping and foxes. ??

The shop represents the world. You may have anything you desire. Your husband is the fox. You congratulate yourself on your good fortune to have such a handsome man. You depend on him to protect you and he does. Congratulations.

15th birthday party ideas... at the beach ?

my fifteenth birthday is coming up & i want to have a really memorable, crazy fun party ! i was thinking of having it at the beach.. with a bonfire, music playing, dancing, but what else ? food / entertainment / theme ? ideas please : ) its a combined party & there can be up to fifty people - fourteen to sixteen years old - xx

Does it bother you when people think you are strange?

You should just let people see the real you, and you shouldn't have to hide in this shell. Everyones entitled to their own opinions, but that doesnt mean they're right, and you shouldnt let them affect you. Just be yourself, people should like you for you, no matter what way you are :) Good luck!!

My is very small when it's not erect, this normal?

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Is it posable to have it all?

My deal. I mostly date women (i am male) but I am attracted to certain men (and have slept with a few) and MTF ed ladies make me crazy horny. So am I doomed to picking one (female, male, TS) if I want to also have a life partner or is there a way to have it all?

Has anyone here ever purched airsoft guns from airsplat. Com?

If u have tell me how it turned out was it crappy or was it exactlwy what they say ..... Ps a little detale would be nice. ...// pss in general snipers

Best therapy for extreme shyness 10 pts?

I need help with my shyness. Ive really tried everything a this point. I want the over whelming fear to be gone. I want to hangout and be able to speak my mind to anybody. I dont think its normal shyness I thinks Its social phobia. What is best kind of therapist my little situation here I need I cant do it on my own.

What divides the english and latin speaking people?

I need the answer for a worksheet I'm doing in socials. It's a word scramble sheet. The question is "what divides the english and latin speaking people?" and the word to unscramble is - roi erdgan


How much per hour does working behind the counter serving drink & popcorn pay at vue cinemas? I'm under 18.

Is it wrong for a dad to take a shower with his little daughter. What is an ok age to stop doing it?

no actually u sick man i don't think u should be taking a bath with your 9 year old daughter or any family members period i think that is one of the sickest things ever i don't even take bathes with my own sister because obviously were not as sick as you are but i am going to pray that you get over that feeling that you have to take bathes with your own daughter.

Earl Gray Tea and Zolpidem (Ambien)?

I think you are on the right lines, but to be more precise CYP3A4 is involved in the disposal of Zolpidem. However the action of CYP3A4 is inhibited by gfruit juice (and bergamottin). This means that the Zolpidem hangs around longer, which would explain your drunken state

What do you think of this love quote?

everyone's opinion are always right,yet i respect what you feel what you says coz it comes from your inner self as poem is the expression of what we feel.. Love is always undefined, for you can express it, show it, describe it in a million ways as long as one feels it. how can you say that you feels love? its up to you, as love is a bash of emotion.You will never know what love is unless you will not go through with it, you will never learn how to love unless you never know how to sacrifice, how to give way, how to let go... so whatever you feel about love, just go on, for the most wonderful thing in this world is TO LOVE & BE LOVED..

HELP!! my hair needs serious help!?

it looks fine like that, but maybe shorten the bottom layer a bit cause it long, and get a good straightener, even ppl with the worst hair can straighten their hair beautifully with a good straightener, but it will cost u at least $100, at least

I have a medical question that pertains to privacy.?

My wife is in a aftercare program for alcohol addiction. She was sick the past couple days with a fever of 100 and GI trouble. The other patients in her group doubted her sobriety and gossiped about her relapsing. One of them went as far as calling my wife at her mother's house. They have an unlisted number so the only way for them to call her would be if a rehab staff member gave it to them. Is this violating my wife's privacy? Isn't there a law against giving out patient information?

Is this pavlova/meringue ok for tonight?

I've just made a meringue for a pavlova, I was just spooning the cream into the well in the centre and it sort of collapsed. It's a bit hollow, I slid my finger in to see what it's like and it sort of like a mallow inside or marshmallow, is it ok to eat. This hasn't happened before when I've made it. I've got people

I need help on a project on Ireland?

In world geography we have to pick a country to right questions on and so forth. A girl in my group wanted to do pur project on Ireland. But the problem is that we don't know anything on Ireland.We need anything on the culture or IRA, legends/myths, etc. Just anything so we can make a question on to help complete the project. No it is not doing our project for us it is just that we need help figuring out info and questions, etc.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Is it okay to just hate emos and bis?

Im sorry to all u emos on here. and bis. but i hung out with some emos. it sucked. im thinking of ditching but feel bad. Help?

Hindus Must Read This?

Lord Vishnu cursed by Durvasamuni to create 10Avatars in Earth then Vishnu convinced him to grant those Avatars for LokhaKalyana(Welfare of the World and Weal). but later Lord Vishnu cursed his Gate keepers called Jaya and Vijaya to create 7 Avataras as Demons(Monsters) in Earth. Later Vishu killed them(Hiranya Kashipu as Ugra Narasimha, Kamsa as Krishna, Kartavirya as Parashurama, Ravana as Rama, Vamana as Bali Chakravarthi and so on) in his 9 Avatars.... then he got rid of 9 avataras... now what my question is that... all these hypocrisy games are played by vishnu is right? if it is not... can u tell me y? but remember, all those demons(Jaya and Vijaya) troubled humans

Section 8 housing, does this seem wrong?

My husband and I and our 4 children have been on Section 8 and have been renting the same house for over 5 years. Within the last year our landlords have put our place up for sale along with the 147 acres around it. Our HUD inspector purchased 62 of the acres and now has showed up at our house several times knocking on our door unannounced and looking around our house with her husband because they are interested in the house and the other 85 acres.She has gone has far as trying to tell us what to do and leaving notes on my husbands vehicle. Then shes watching our every move trying to say we are lying about our income which is not true. We barely even pay our bills. I am a struggling nursing student in college that struggles with gas money just to get to cl. Do you feel this is right? I feel she is hoping that we will move just so the landlords might lower the price they want just to sell to them. We already have all kinds of people that stop by looking around our place

Pablo Sandoval was a waste of a top fantasy pick! WTF?

this guy was expected to have a monster year this yr. nope, he has ****** 5 home runs(his 5th coming today) and 24 RBI. I was expected a lot more from this guy, especially for him to have at least 12 homers by now, but i had to drop him a while ago. what a bust

Why is Obama letting NASA bomb the Moon?

idk y but to me it sounds worthless.We already know there's water on mars.why do they want to do that.How will that affect us right now?? what will they do next?? bomb every other planet too?. he should be freacking worrying on fixing the economy not bombing the outer space.Geez.waste of time and money on bombing the moon which might prove to not even have getting upset by their actions right now >=[

How do I deal with an extremely nosy and inquisitive Mother in Law. She asks a LOT of questions.?

She will often say, "how's your Mom?" And I'll give her the garden variety "Mom is great...really seems to be enjoying her retirement" kind of answer but she'll just keep pressing for more details such as, 'does she date? 'does she do things w/ her grandkids?" "how often do you see her?" She aks questions about EVERYTHING and I want to stangle her. I really can't stand it!

Christianity in 100 years?

I was going to ignore your little pathetic question, then wanted to let you know I am a Christian, work in the emergency room 14 years now, I have cancer, and my oldest son was killed at work 10 years ago. People like you only let me know more and more every day that Christ is returning one day, and sad to say you will "eat these words" in front of me.

US History Help, Change in administrations?

Describe and account for the changes in the American presidency between 1960 and 1975, as symbolized by Kennedy's "Camelot", Johnson's Great Society, and Nixon's Watergate. In your answer, address the powers of the presidency and the role of the media.

Was this a coincedence with this dude or am I just hoping?

Maybe he was curious to see how many others turned up to see you because of the facebook message. Maybe he didn't speak to you because he knew the person you were speaking with at the register.

Due to mild winters worldwide, will the amount of deforestation both manmade & bug infestation increase?

I am sure that insects do increase with mild winters. Even here in Oklahoma, if we don't get a really cold winter the fleas and ticks are worse outside in the spring and summer.

Can my employer stop me working for someone else at the same time?

Yes, your employer can terminate you if you take another job that represents a conflict of interest.

Am i prego?

ok so the last 2 months my period has been brown and a little pink i have bithcontrol but last month after haveing my period for oly 3-4 days the pill was out i thought i would get more so the next 4 days me and my bf were haveing sec he m ust of cam in me at least 3 times i havent been on the pill since bc i missed the spand to be off of it i have been haveing really bad nipple pains and overy/stomach cramps i have been very tried have been haveing headachs and been haveing more craveings

Is Martin now Cory Sanders and Joseph Estrada?

Notice the similarities in their answers? It's almost some hate filled tirade against Manny Pacquiao backed with affeminate and trophy wife-like stories and gossip. How many aliases does this loser need? Pathetic.

Is it okay to wrap a Hydro Colloid Bandage?

Is it alright to wrap a Hydro Colloid bandage up with a simple cotton crepe to prevent the edges from rolling up?

Where in this program do my Pecs get worked?

Swiss ball bench press and push are for your pec but they suck stick to the basic like flat beach press, DB fly, DB incline press, dips and DB flat press ....DB= dumb bell

What do you think of my comic book idea?

Interesting layout of characters. Introducing them initially will be quite the feat as each should have his or her own chapter in your comic book. Adding a female sidekick, nemesis, or friend to the lead character may make the story more interesting. KEEP WORKING ON STORY IDEAS.

Emcee vs Emcee......?

sry never heard of any of those. But when you say skills not favoritism, the 2 go hand in hand. Obviously the band that has the best skills is going to be your favorite. Unless you like bands w/o skills.... IDK, the way you said it just didn't make sense to me.

Thinking about quitting my job to go to school full time. I need help with finances.?

what kind of job do you have now? some companies will help you with school if its corporate. otherwise, talk to them and see if they can give you a more flexible schedule. i cant really give you any advice without further understanding your situation. sometimes, you just have to take a plunge. think about how much time you have left before graduation, sometimes its good to just jump in and finish it up as quick as possible than to stretch it out over a long period of time.

Titration question ...?

30.0 ml of solution of diprotic acid, oxalic acid (C2H2O4) is titrated with 56 ml of 0.050 mol/L solution of potium hydroxide. What was the concentration of the oxalic acid?

How do Dollar Store importers make their money?

Importing seems very expensive for people i know... The transportation, the freight, the insurance, the taxes... What is their secret?

Can a person who was issued 221(g) for h1 apply for l1 from another company?

company A applied for h1 n 221(g) issued asking for project n client details from petitioner.All the doents r submitted in vfs office.Consalate did not respond on the case till B for which im working for past 11 yrs wants to apply for my l1 and im in US with b1 right now.In this case can i proceed further and apply for L1.I donot want to work with comapny A n go for tht H1 as im not sure for his credentials as i was issued a 221(g).

Anyone know of a sports memorabilia store near Hillsboro Oregon?

Here's a few places according to Google Maps: a href=",or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=dde6b60ca5b8ebed" rel="nofollow"…/a

Gay marriage is just not that important... what do you think.?

I personally don't think marriage is important at all. gay or straight marraige. it's just a conventional tradition that supposingly lead us to eternal happiness, but looking at the divorce rates these days that obviously isn't true. i mean, you can be with someone you love without having a "legal committment" you can be committed without the "security" of marriage.

How can I cover my slate rock fireplace?

I have a slate rock fireplace and hearth with a small, medium wood shelf as a "mantle". I would like to make a larger mantel that covers the entire front of the fireplace and wraps around the sides a bit and would REALLY like to somehow cover the slate rock area above where the new mantle will go. Ideally, I'd like to make it look like the rest of the wall, even if I have to make it much further out. Any ideas or suggestions on ow to do this? Or why I might not be able to? Alternative ideas? I want to make sure to consider fire safety, of course.

In grand theft auto 4 can you still do asination missions after you have completed all of them.?

Can you still do more asination missions after you have completed them. Can you also play vigilante mode

Wat wrong?

your doc told you that you hurt your rotator cuff and then didn't do anything to treat it? You need to find a new doctor.

Leather Car Seat Repair?

There is a small part of my leather seat of my car that is damaged.I was using a "so called" leather safe brush and it looks like the dye on the leather came off. Its not big but it bugs the heck out off me. Its about 3 inches long and1 inch wide. I had the curiosity of what would the price be to get it repaired if i was to take it to an upholstery shop ? Or buy a dye or some sort or paint to cover it. Thanks in advance.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Who are not MLB Hall of Famers ?

2-6 guaranteed! 2,7-10, no way! bonds may be able to make it just because of the sheer threat he posed to other teams, but it'll be at least on the 3rd try! 2-6 have no problems except for alex, and he'll get in on the second try. Vlad hasn't been able to let his numbers go down slowly, so that may hurt him. The rest of the bottom, do we really need to say? Sammy admitted he did, McGuire ducked the issue, and Clemens did it then lied about it!

What's the name of the tv show from the 80s that has the same semi truck as the movie universal soldier.?

The truck is military in style with armor and has armor on its front wheels as well. The trailer has a lab or containment room in it. That's all I can recall but some of my friends know it and they cannot recall the name either.

Has Kings of Leon's break into the mainstream ruined the magic?

For me it has. All the new album has been completelty over-played, and new fans are complete and utter ticket wasters who don't even know they have 3 other albums.

Am I being to overly emotion and melodramatic?

you're just paranoid. and probably selfconscious or have a low self esteem. i suggest you work on that.

Any suggestions for watching a good Anime?

"I My Me! Strawberry eggs!" Is a bit weird, and it about a man cosplaying as a woman to work at a school that only allows female teachers. It's pretty funny, anyway, you should check that out.

I am looking for a barrister in UK by the name of Paul Jones & ociates? does anyone know?

I have heard of him. I served on a jury once with he as a bsarrister. But not sure where his office is.

How long after their final term is over are Presidents of the United States provided Secret Service Detail?

I know that after their presidency presidents are provided Secret Service detail, but for how long? Is it until death or is it rescinded after a certain amount of time?

Identify this person who has been in the news in the past?

I am an Ivy league educated man, but have never shown any capability in sustaining myself in business. It has been said that I had a talent for organizing and mobilizing efforts. I used propaganda to my own advantage and to what I want done. I understand using the news. I often use other government officials to get what I want accomplished. My father was a capable, but dull leader who is very highly thought of.

I dreamed I was a fish in a huge school, and Jesus was a fish and so was Socrates.What can this mean.?

But here's the thing Jesus and Socrates and many other famous people (Jung, Krshna, the Buddha) were swimming the wrong way and kept swimming through but I didn't dare watch them as they came past because there was a huge movie screen above us showing other schools of fish swimming towards Eden. The gates of Eden were a huge net

Im getting my braces on July 6 and im scared to get tem cuz i dnt kno if tell hert?

I dnt kno if tey well hert but i think ter really kewl cuz u get to do a whole bunch of stuff wit tem and i wnt to kno if tell hert me or not wat do tey hert plz and im getting spacers on te 17 te day i get out of skool anf bands on te 24 help me plz!!!!!

Any download for iTunes missing DLL?

I am trying to update to iTunes 8.2. When I use the Apple updater, there is an error message and when I try to install iTunes it or uninstall it an error message comes up saying there is a missing DLL. Any suggestions where I can get this missing DLL.

Where can I get cheap, or free military MRE's?

I want to get more MRE's for camping, hunting, outdoors etc. However, I can't keep spending $65 a case on eBay. I heard online that if I knew someone in the military, they can get as many they want for free. But I do not know anyone in the service. Does anyone know where I can buy MRE's for cheaper than $40 a case or where I can meet someone in the military to get them? I live in NJ. Thanks a lot.

How's my team(Fantasy Basketball)?

better than mine lol, Dejuan Blair was named a started so the minutes will be there, i feel like Blake Griffin and blair have breakout potential, i like both of them alot. As for the pickups i really like Jermaine oneal im taking a gamble with him myself, he getting older but still a great shot blocker and rebounder, and will consistently score 10 - 20 points , other sleepers of mine are dj augustine, ty lawson, austin daye

1 year old had first experience with stomach flu last night, how long until I can give her milk?

My son had the stomach flu for the first time just a few weeks ago too and it was so horrible. I gave him pedialyte and waited to see if he was able to hold it down. If you do decide to give her pedialyte then start her off with just a little. Maybe 4 ounces. If she still continues to puke then take her to the doctor because she could get dehydrated.

Democrats created the Jim Crow Laws?

Yes, it is true. They also created the KKK. They also tried to block the civil rights act (Al Gore Sr chief among them) while Byrd was trying to revive the KKK in Virginia. It was also a republican president (Eisenhower) who had to send the 101st into Little Rock to enforce integration where a Democrat governor was blocking blacks from entering a "white" school.

Need info on Artist Ferdnand Moreau?

I know very little other than he made an 1911 art deco statue lamp that was featured in Art & Antiques Collectors Sourcebook 2007 on page 80. The article said very little about the artist.

Can red eared slider turtles eat these foods and how often should they be eaten?

Fish and well my painted turtles inside like cantalope once every other month and my outdoor res love to come to land for a tasty bite of tomatos and occasionaly a strawberry if there lucky though I stay away from that do to the fact of seeds I don't trust the seeds with them another thing my musk turtle likes since he is a little chubby fatty in the pond with res lol he lovessss to eat his blueberrys your res won't like them cause mine hate them but when he is patroling the floor he will swim all the way to me and stop at no cost to get his food literally there was a Sheldon the baby map turtle at the time chilling on a branch and he being like only a pound completley decked Sheldon like 2 feet and got his snack anyway good luck (ps incasw your wondering I have a giant pond)

Alternative to Electric whisk???help me!?

A hand wisk is prefectly adequate, or you can use a fork. Either way, make sure all your utensils and bowl are dry and clean or they will not thicken

What is the minimum wage for forest rangers in 2009?

I'm in high school and I'm looking to find a job in the forestry department like a ranger or even a park ranger and i don;'t know the salry and i don't know what they do

Is this technique even safe?

My wife is reading a book called "302 advanced techniques for driving a man wild in bed" by St Claire. In the chapter call " Props" on page 37, There is something called a "Fizz Ball". It says that the woman puts an alka seltzer in her hoo haw, and it would give me a certain tingly feeling when we are having . Is it safe to do that?

Houseflies in australia and new zealand?

There are two main types of flies in NZ; Blow flies and gr flies. They can get a little annoying in the summer especially if you live in the country around cattle but they are nothing compared to Aussie.

The chinchilla i will give you 900 points.?

a href="" rel="nofollow" you can find all your answers here...

Is it okay to text a guy who has a girlfriend?

This guy and I took a cl together, but we also have mutual friends. We talk at school, and about a month ago or so he started calling, texting, and flirting with me. I didn't really like him back or flirt all that much, but recently my feelings for him have changed. We don't talk on the phone because I find it awkward and I just don't like doing it. One night we were texting and flirting, but then he dropped the biggest bombshell on me! He has a girlfriend. I don't know her because she is either at a different college, or she's still in high school. I don't know, I haven't really inquired about her. Anyways, I really like him now and its hard to just stop liking him. I really enjoy texting him, but I feel kind of guilty. Not too much though. I would never do anything that would cause him to physically cheat on his girlfriend. What should I do? Thanks for any and all answers!! :)

Cosplay help!?

Is there somewhere online..or some site that could possibly carry a Fuu from Samuai Champloo cosplay kimono?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Would I fall more in line with the Democrats or the Republicans?

You would probably best fir with the Republican Party or Libertarian Party. However, if you go Republican, make sure you agree with your Republican Candidate for Congress on most issues, otherwise vote Libertarian Party.


Okay so i am crying right know because of my ear i had put a qtip insideto clean it and it went deep in my ear and it felt so bada weird like it went it me so while i try ed to pull it out it was paunful and i was just holdin on to it then i told my mom btw im 14 and she told me that she doesnt care abd that i bring stress 2 her life blah blqh blah but now it feek so bad i keeo crying because it feel like something is ib my troat andi cant go to tha doc cuz we have to leave on tha plane for a imortant reason but can u just help me find a way to make it stop hurting it feel so bad and if i try to yown or burp it feels so bad so i havent eating anything all day because i burp alot lol and big burps 2 so i might die of pain if i eat so please tell me away 2 amke it stop asap i mean now im in a rush

Anxiety causes stomach ache?

Hi, I have College exams coming up and I am scared shitless..I am feeling all gasy and my stools are small and very soft. This happens everytime an event like this comes along. Is this because of Anxiety? Is this normal? What can I do to stop it?

Is this true?Microsoft lottery winner?

Aany thing that resembles this is spam I thing forein lotteirys are illeagal in the US and there just a scam to get into your bank account so they not going to give you any money at all just take it away.

I can't stand my own father?

Wow. You just practically described my youngest son. I NEVER thought he was a failure. (he is 19 now) How can you be a failure at age 14???? He was not athletic, but he got straight A's in school. That was all I needed. He is doing so fine in college now. I don't understand why your dad thinks you are a failure. Maybe you think he thinks these things. You need to ask him point blank what he thinks of you. My sons are the total opposite of each other. I never expected them to be like me, even though my oldest is like me somewhat. You should blossom into manhood, just wait. My son was the smallest kid in all his cles and he wore gles. He blossomed into a fine young man around the age of 17. He has plenty girls calling him. He bought himself contacts with his earnings at age 16. So, just have a talk with your dad. You may find he is really proud of you and does not compare you with his past.

Where can i find the video of Josiah Leming singing Mika's "Grace Kelly"?

Keep searching youtube, since it was just aired last night it will probably take a day for someone to post/upload it.

Why do I get emails saying that someone else on xbox live bought MSP (Microsoft Points)?

I get messages in my E-mail telling me that some random person is buying Microsoft points like its my account and its trying to verify or something..

Is there a conspiracy to defame alternative medicine?

Yes, very true indeed. The reason 'skeppies' are blocked is because they have a tendency to generally trash other people's views without a good reason except to start an argument (or because they have another agenda altogether which revolves around their own self-interests). They do not approach questions from a balanced perspective even in the light of evidence which suggests to me that they are not in fact scientists - they are insecure people at best playing a game of 'one-up manship' with other people who have the stupidity to acknowledge them in the first place. Their behaviour proves they should have no place on this forum. The best policy is to ignore them.

Whats the best FPS around?

If you have a PC game controller, you can download a N64 emulator called "Project64" and play Goldeneye.

Egg Painting? I need help?

I am trying to paint my eggs(chicken eggs). SO I want them to be the really beautiful kind. I was wondering that after they are blowed and dried, can I use regular paint to paint(like school paint) them? Then what can I do to make them shiny?

Whats the band/song name?

All i remember hearing is "Tolby has a drinking problem" as the chorus. It sounded like a UKish pub song. Almost exactly like Drunken Lullabies by Flogging Molly. Or at least it fits in the same music genre. Google has done nothing for me. Anyone else heard this song?

What resources can i use to become a wonderful conversationalist with girls?

sometimes my mind goes blank, i cant think of things to say i want to have fun intesesting stuff to talk about, i am using confidence audio and will write down affirmations to use, i just want resources for fun and interesting things that girls like to talk about

Kitchen re-model questions?

First thing I'd do would be to form a plan of exactly what you want done. Figure out a floor plan and calculate how many cabinets etc you will need. Then get estimates on the work unless you are doing everything yourself. Unless you are a licensed plumber and electrician, you will probably have to contract out that part. There are inspections that may have to be done as the work progresses and that depends on your city code. What ever estimate you come up with, add 50%. Also, add extra time because there's always something that goes awry. I am not confident that you could get it all done in 2 weeks unless you stayed with the job and made sure that everything went as scheduled. good luck!

What are the long term effects of (HMS) hyper-mobility syndrome?

Hi, i was diagnosed with HMS a few years, i experience partial dislocations of my shoulder on average 10 times a day whilst doing everyday tasks, full dislocations that i can put back in 1-2 times every couple weeks, and land in hospital at least every 4 months with a full dislocation that has to be reduced under anaesthetic. The surgeons wont operate as there are to many possible complications. If anyone else is in this situation could you please give me a clue as to whats in my future, does it get worse with time or what? please help!

How do you strip and clean an old linoleum floor?

Floor is about 30 yrs old and always cleaned with Brite floor cleaner/wax. Had to stop waxing floor for about 6 mos. due to our old dog slipping on it. Now floor looks terrible.Can't seem to get it clean at all.

I Really Want To Go To A Dance Convention?

Okay So I Want To Know If There Is Any Hip-Hop Dance Conventions In My Area. I Live In Hesperia, CA And I Have Always Been Wanted To Go To One For Years Now. I Have Heard They Are A Lot Of Fun And It Will Make Me A Better Dancer. So If You Have News Of Any Dance Conventions In The LA Area Or In San Bernardino County Please Tell Me So I Can Attend. Thank You(:

What are your favorite pair of jeans?

H&M have great fits for me. I dislike the holes in the jeans though they sell them also. Hollister has low hips that do not comfort me so I wouldn't try theres. Good luck!

Should Sellick through the towel in now, to deafen the sound of their bootle crashing ?

Conceding the title is a meaningless soundbite. What if Celtic win their last 2 games and Rangers drop points somewhere? The title is never conceded - only when 1 team has a points total that can't be beaten is the title won

How come i was a juror for 3 days and i wasn't compensated?

I was a juror for queens county and its been almost a whole year and they still haven't compensated me

Where is the java sdk for mac os?

can't find this anywhere on the oracle website. when it asks for platform, mac os x was not an option. where do i find the java jdk for mac?

Should men wear speedos?

I am 17 years old and have a good build at the top but not do good build lower body. I currently swim 10 hours a week and jammers feel like they give too much restriction. Should I wear speedos? Will they suit me? Also by wearing a cap and ear plugs is this the best way to stop any water getting in the ear? Thanks.

What are soome superhero costume ideas that can be made cute?

next week is spirit week at my school and one of the days are 'superhero' day. me and my friends were going to do powerpuff girls, but lots of people are doing that. what else is there for a group?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Could you pls review part of my resume and tell me if it looks OK?

as a hiring manager i would have "filed" your app after i read the second word..your first paragraph is now say.....Desire....It should say....I's needs a redo and your work history needs to be shortened big time.....

How good is sjsu for civil engineering?

San Jose State has a good reputation and from my experience has a good engineering school. One thing to think about is that most community colleges offer pre-engineering courses which prepare you for the four year colleges. The community college is good about trying to get their students into places like San Jose State and Cal Poly as well as others. When I went back to college, I went back to a community college and then there were a certain number of slots at UC Berkeley which were allocated for JC transfers and I and my buddies got in as Juniors. It is still possible from what I understand and I highly recommend that path if you are not sure about getting into San Jose State University.

Suicidal, homicidal, and genocidal--- a nasty combination?

so, a little while ago (probably about a year ago) i discovered that I wanted to kill someone. Like, legitimately kill someone. I was actually trying to figure out how...Then I realized (about a month after that, while I was studying WW2) that I really wanted to wipe out a whole race... maybe not the typical ones (like white, mexican, african american) but the races like the annoying type, the bitchy type or a nasty combo of them both. Unfortunately I then later figured out that I was not only homicidal and genocidal... i was suicidal. I seriously wanted to kill myself. I know its a typical story but i am just wondering--- should i be omitted to the psychward? just for protection if anything?

Successfully feeding a preemie?

Yes you can feed, in fact milk they say is best for a preemie. Depending on just how early the baby comes will depend on how they are to be fed. A friend had a preemie and she pumped her milk for the baby as sometimes the takes a lot of work for the baby. He baby was born at 32 weeks and was in the nicu for 3 weeks. Best of luck.

Stopping ographic mail?

if there is a number on there to call the manager...if there is such a thing for that kind of business, take it up with them, tell them i no longer want these, even though you never asked for them in the first place. also, go to the post office.

My 4 month old APBT male squawks down to pee.?

I want to know if this is normal. Would he ever brake out of it? Is there anything that I have to do to teach him?

Risks of investing surplus cash in MSCI Emerging Market Index (EEM) and oil index (USO)?

I got out of the market in time and now holding surplus cash. I now intend to invest half in EEM and another half in USO. Are there better alternatives now?

Whats the difference between Tenchi Universe and Tenchi Muyo! Ryo Oki OVA?

ive just Dloaded every series of the tenchi Franchise and i cant remember which order it goes in Does it Start with Tenchi Universe, Then Tenchi Myo! Ryo Oki OVA then Tenchi In tokyo i seriously cant remember. Can anybody help me out?

What Band Is similar to the band death with high pitched shrieks and similar instrumentation? Not deep growls.?

I want to know a band that is similar to the band death in that they use similar instrumentation and have high pitched shrieks similar to death, rather than the deep growls I hear from a lot of death metal bands?

Question about remedial cles?

i am really horrible in math but good in other subjects, i'm majoring in nursing and i'm taking remedial math (MAT082), and i think i'll do horrible on the final .. if i fail do i have to retake it over again? BTW I've already chosen my other math cl, MAT101 can i retake the remedial cl later? How does this work? :/ any advice on what to do will be awesome :) thanks.

Bare Minerals or Laura Mercier powder foundation?

The bare minerals matte is great! But if you don't want to have to buy a whole new powder get the MAC mattifier, it turns eye shadows powders and just about anything into a matte finished look! for all your beauty needs checkout my Youtube channel, a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How do Mexican men feel about Marrying or being in a seroius realationship with American women??

I think Mexican men & South east Asian men are Hot.I've been with my boyfriend for a year know & He is from Mexico.I've decided he is not the right man for me.But I want to be with another Mexican guy.I do like Mexican things(accept i don't really like Mexican food I refer Chinese).Is it a problem that I'm not Mexican? I know Carlos Santana married a black women & some other Mexican men married non Mexiacans as well.Serious Question. I'm not snobby or anything.I love it when Mexiacan men just came from the barbershop & have there moustache trimmed,stripped shirts & cologne.Nice Looking Mexican men are my weakness.

A question dedicated to the TacoBell Chihuahua. The Taco Bell Chihuahua died, NO!!!!?

Does no one remember David Carradine or Ed McMahon? Both happened same month as all the rest you listed.

Should i tell him i like him?

ok so i like this guy and ive known him for about 2 months.. he seemed to like me to for a while. like when i walked into his clroom he sccreamed SYDNEY!!! and i was like MATTT and he smiled and blushed :) and my friends ( when i wasnt there) started going u likee sydney and he was like nooo i dont i sware and they said his face turned soo red. and on the last day of school we went to the pool after school and it was me him my friend and his friends.. and a bunch of other girls came( 4 of which liked him) and we were sitting on the side of the pool and he pulled me in and said " lets make those girls jelous. :) lastly we were at the pool on the 4th of july and we were all doing a 'whirlpool' and he was like ok im not holding hands with a guy.. sydney get in beetween us. and he was giving evernyone hugs goodbye he came up to me and hugged me sooo tight and everyone thought it was soo cute! i would if already told him but he has so many girls after him. he flirts with some other girls to.. should i tell him i like him? i know i already asked this but i wanted to make sure im doing the right thing

How often should you get a payrise?

you can't expect to get the pay of the other person...usually they are at one year..your anniversary date....discuss this with your boss...some companies do not like their employees to discuss pay...i have seen people let go for to your boss or human resource person...they can help you...

What name for a DOG (male)??

Oh my gosh i love that name my dog was named Deca it was a girl she dyed i was so sad but she was so old good lick with Deco i love that name

Are dramamine safe to take with vicodin?

i suffer from motion sickness so i have to take dramamine once a day but i broke my hand a few days ago and got prescribed vicodin i was just wonderin is it safe take them both in the same day

WMD'S In Iraq. Why do you not believe?

That Saddam had them. That tator killed between 100,000 and 150,000+ Kurds in northern Iraq. Many were women and children who choked to death on chemical weapons. Remember chemical Ali? That's where he got his name. Look up project Babylon. Look up al-Anfal campaign. Read about the nuclear reactor he was building. has great video of the Iraqis playing the cat and mouse games with the inspectors. Saddam brought what he got on himself.

Giochi xbox x ragazze?

Ciao a tutti qualcuno di voi conosce qualke gioco carino da fare x una bambina di 10 anni x l'xbox 360? grazie a tutti x l'aiuto

Saturday, August 13, 2011

How often FAA require airlines to check metal fatigue?

It depends on the airplanes. All airplanes have a rigorous maintenance schedule that is more than enough to make sure you are safe. Aircraft operated for hire in the US have 100-hour inspections, annual inspections, special inspections required by that aircraft, special inspections of any part that has wear and tear, and major overhauls that are conducted after a certain amount of landings or hours (A/B/C/D, etc) checks... these are EXTENSIVE. Most of these test for fatigue of critical parts. Also, rest ured that modern aircraft are tested (the wing spars) to at least 150% of any stress they are certificated to sustain. Here's a video of this test on the 777 a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Furthermore, before every flight and after every flight, pilots give a thorough preflight of the aircraft.

Again, things to help me be a better actress?

so ive asked this question before but i didnt get answers that helped me. i practice reading monologues aloud, doing different actions and voices, i make different expressions infront of my mirror for different reactions and stuff, my mum is looking at getting me into an acting school, please dont reccommend going to local theatres and doing plays and stuff, dont reccommend theatre.asn ive had that a lot of times, looked at it already, ive looked up workshops in my area and cant find any, i've looked up open auditions, agents for people with no exprience, anything that i can think of, i do as much as i can think of. anything that i can do will help! people say that you've got to put in as much as you can for your dream, like pay the price sort of thing, pay for what you want, but i cant find anything!! i've tried looking for everything i can think that will help, i look at other peoples answers when they ask questions that i didnt think of before, i look up things about acting in general, like stuff about producers and directors and stuff, pls pls help!

Candice jordan <3 her sooooooo much but idk how to tell parents?

me and my girlfriend well are dating and she said she will make it up to me for leaving skl what is that supposed to mean well i love her and my mom and dad dont know how do i tell them im gay???????????????????

Mistake on uc application!?

Of course not. I wouldn't worry too much. It's common human error and I'm sure it happens to many people, especially during this day of online applications. You are doing the right thing to notify them ASAP. Don't sweat it, everyone makes mistakes.

Wantin my ex back?

the only thing you can do is give him the free will to do what he wants...let him know where you stand...let it go from cannot force anything..if you try, he will run further...let him do his thing and you do yours

Some people feel jealous of Brazil is the only five-time champion, what do you think?

Yes I think that people are jealous as there is a saying goes "The English invented it (soccer) and the Brazilians perfected it".

I am having hypothyroid. i am taking eltroxin every day 100 mcg. i am having problem of irregular periods also

i have done my pelvis scanning as well as thyroid checking, everything is normal. my weight is 78 kg which is not reducing. can anybody tell me how to make my periods regular.

Is forcing children into creationism going beyond normal religious instruction?

With religion, one can say that it is something that scared and gullible people use to help them get through traumatic experiences; it’s a mostly innocent, harmless form of deception like a child believing in Santa. But Creationism is not harmless, it is not innocent and it is not used by scared and gullible people to help them get through traumatic experiences. It is a blatant act of willful ignorance and deliberate deception. So, when you look at it like this, it’s going beyond normal religious instruction, right? Forcing a child into creationism is equivalent to deliberately disabling a child, right?

Serving in the Military, the Army or the Marine Corps, as an M1 Abrams Tank Crewman?

What are the physical requiernments for being an M1 Abrams Tank Crewman? I am told by my optomotrist that I have poor depth perception. Do I have any chance at a future as a tank crewman? And can I even be accepted into the Marine Corps with poor depth perception in the first place?

Please someone answer this question about ACT scores!?

So i'm applying to Cal Poly SLO and i was about to submit my application when and they told me that they have not received my ACT score. So i checked my ACT account to see if I sent the scores to Cal Poly SLO and I did. I took the ACT Writing in September 2010 and I have already received my scores maybe for a month now. I was wondering how long the the colleges I sent my scores to will receive them? I sent the scores when i signed up for the registration for the test. Any help?

What is the difference betweeeeeeen...?

whats the difference between the great flood sumerian version and epic of gilgamesh or bilibal noahs ark story

Does anyone ever get "clutch knee"?

I have a 2002 Jeep Wranger with a manual transmission. The clutch action is not heavy, but it is long throw and too high to rest your heel on the floorboard. I'm fairly young, but have noticed a recent twinge since driving the Jeep full time.

Mongol rule?

Why did the Mongol invasion of Western Europe never materialize? What may have been the effect of this development on Western Europe?

Is it a bad idea to try dmt without trying shrooms or lsd first?

i want to experience dmt but dont really want to do the other two.. i smoke weed a lot and im up to try salvia

Is a legit and safe site?

Oh that dress is beautiful! And it looks legit! Maybe try looking at reviews and stuff to make sure though! Hope it works out!

A divine visitation?

Well, you have just mastered the art form that has made televangelists and Christian apologists millions. I am sure, despite the paucity of answers that you have gotten to this question, that you will be rolling in the money if you keep repeating the myth frequently enough. Congratulations! All you need to do now is get a wife that wears too much makeup and puts too much styling gel in her fake wig, and get into some sort of ual scandal, and you will be well on your way to divine wealth.

Christians: Do you agree in biological and physiological evolution? (See definition of evolution)?

Your claim that "believing in the the Theory of Evolution" has "great conflict with God's Word" is demonstrably contrary to the beliefs of most Christians and is only of interest to those who insist that the Bible is literally true.

What to eat after wisdom teeth removal?

I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed yesterday, and im in pain today.. My mom made me some potato soup, so i've been eating that since last night. What are some other foods i can eat besides eggs and pudding? And on the second day, can i eat hot foods? Like not scalding hot, but just hot enough to taste good? Thanks!!!

How do you adjust an acura hot tub so it will go above 90?

Every acura control I have seen have ons to adjust your temp higher or lower. I know there are also some that have a dial on the topside control. By the way that is not the make of the hot tub just the controls for that hot tub.

Please explain how to uninstall a Toro 700 Sprinkler head. It is cracked on one side and does not pull up.?

There are arrows to twist it one way to remove but it sticks. Should I pry it open with a screw driver? I am not finding Toro 700 replacement parts but I ume any single stream Toro product will do. How do I make it stay fixed in a certain direction? Right now it waters my neighbors yard, thanks!

Can anyone Translate these lines from Romeo and Juliet?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Finance Degree Information?

Have you tried getting a job in finance recently? It's a disaster out there. I'm sure you're very smart, but a B average doesn't convey that well. If you are going to land a finance job, and I don't mean financial planner or loan officer, you are going to have to network like a fiend, network some more, then probably network a little more. Luckily you go to a big state school so there may be some good connections. If you know you are going to get a rockin finance job, more power to you, but I know much smarter people who are still struggling. Good luck!

Roommate etiquette question?

i do not see where is she inconsiderate? she pays rent, she has the right to bring her bf from time to time and do it with him - he didn't move in with ther for free, did he? if your house is loud and u do not tolerate the hoise from other people - maybe u shouldn't have a room mate. me personally - i do not see anything wrong in her behavior.

If someone asked me out..?

I ume your going to say yes, based on what you said. Anyway, just say that you want to go out with him when he asked. Present yourself like you would if you were talking to your best friend. Don't leave right away though, he will likely be the first to leave anyway. If by chance he doesn't though and you still want to leave, make a reasonable excuse to leave. I hope that helps a little...

Which L Word character are you?

Tasha. Because i'm going to join the military, i'm laid back and can be serious when needed, I'm black, Protective of people i love, and i'm athletic.

Is The exorcist still the scariest movie of all time?

I saw the movie when i was six. It wasn't very scary for me, but when i watched the version with added scenes i cried when she spider walked down those stairs. (I was six). Ive seen it over a hundred times now and to me its still quite scary. Alot of reviewers still call it the scariest of all time, do you agree? (if you dont agree please tell me the movie you think is the scariest and specify what its about) Thank you,

HELP!! is it bad to be shy. ANSWERR THISS QUESTIONN!!?

So i am like relly relly shy at school. Like i never talk to anyone in cl unless they talk to me. Like i am not ugly at all like most shy chicks, im relly preety guys have told me. But i am just so shy lol and the thing is i dont look shy at all i look like i would talk alot, and i do just not EVER in cl. YEA btw i am a 16 year old white girl with long brunette hair and a perfect straight white teeth . and lots of people say i am hott lol x]. Can you just tell me if this is a bad quality or not..!!thanks luv ya so much for answering <3 Mwah

What is the best thing Presidents Bush and Obama did for the U.S.?

President Bush kept our country safe and responded perfectly to the 9/11 attacks. President Obama was monumental as being our first black president and showed the world that we are not racist like many think.

Have you ever started a fresh in life and how did you go about it?

cut your hair, start a fashion' be radical. My personal fave is cuttin' my own hair. I cut it in such a rad way that people started talking about like they wanted me to conform. I'm 35! It died down but i'm pretty sure i changed my appearence and started a revolution in this small town!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Line filler products?

I am 55 and have fine lines above my top lip. Has anyone used a product that actually plumps up the skin and/or works to fill in the lines? I've used a product from ROC but it has not done anything.

Wobbly steering column in 89 chevy silverado 1500 any advice would be great?

I have a 89 chevy silverado 1500 2wd. I am concerned about a wobbly steering column. the problem has gotten significantly worse in the past couple months and now when i shift it feels like it grinds on the gears. I find myself having to hold the part right behind the wheel in place to get it to shift cleanly. my question is how labor intensive the job would be if i took it to a mechanic, can i do it myself, and is this an unsafe way to be driving around? Also are there any good places to get a free repair manual for my truck? thanks

What's the best way to cook Haloumi cheese?

I'm currently marinading cubes of it the oil from a jar of sun dried tomatoes with basil, thyme, Chili powder, coriander, and lemon pepper. I don't have any of the tomatoes left I just kept the oil for cooking.

What does "MIME application/octet-stream" mean?

I tried to open a doent online so I could read and print it but after a couple of clicks, it led to Windows Live searching "MIME application/octet-stream". What does that mean and how can read and print the doent ASAP?

Where can i find a good swimsuit!?

Ook i need a good swimsuit for the pool and i want a one piece because all two pieces are to big for me and so i want a one piece...all the girls sizes are too short and wide on me but all the womens swimsuits are ugly and too big and most youths are 2 piece...anyone have like a great idea of where to get a cute one? Thanks everyone!! <3

If God didn’t need anything, then why did he create us? ?

I could imagine a deity getting bored after a few eons, and resorting to creating a little ball of dirt with some people on it, then seeing how things turn out without any intervention. Kind of like playing Sims or Civilization.

What are some of the greatest "mind-bending" movies you've ever seen?

i made an 18 hour feature length film revolving around criss angel. consider my mind officially freaked.

Would this hairstyle look ok on me?

ugliness... pffft. and yes it would but remember hair like that doesn't just happen... you can get the cut but styling it like that will take a long time. keep that in mind.

Is yoga BS?

i cant say yes or no to the above mentions. I did however think yoga was crap 3 years ago. Then my mom dragged me to a cl. I have been at it for 3 years and feel terrible when i miss my cles. It not only has helped my body but brought some peace to my everyday life. I think if u were raised with yoga and commited everyday to the practice im sure u would have some serious abilities to handle certain aspects of life. Meditation by the way could be just as good as sleep. This is just my experience though. I do try to encourage people to try yoga at least a few times. It has changed me for the better. But to each their own

Does he like me as a friend or what? please help?

my crush told me that he luved my hair he chats with me on facebook everyday and someone created a fake account of me so he got so angry that he asked my friends about it i dont know why was he angry when someone created a fake account of me?? and then my bff asked him do you like emily(me) as a friend he said yes i do like her as a friend and i know that you will tease me with her and i am happy about it he wants to know my crush i told someone else's name cuz i did not want to say his name he was like how could you? i said what he said i mean i know that hez good lucking and all but still how could you? and he told me about his crush i was so sad what to do he is damn sweet to me and he stopped talking to my friends cuz he thought that they made a fake account of me! i love him please answer whom does he like me or that girl

I need CHEERLEADING help!!!!!! PLZ!!!!!?

ok so im in the 6th grade. next year i can be a cheerleader and try-outs are in like a week. i have to be able to do the splits and a cartwheel and a roundoff. now ive never done cheerleading or gymnastics before so i dont know how to do these things!!! i need to know how to get more flexible and do the splits. (in our tryouts the splits, cartwheel, and roundoff count for 10 points each.) so if anyone knows how to help me, plz do!!!!! thx alot!!!!!!

Am I the only one who is really tired of playing with noobs on L4D and L4D2?

Trust me, you're not the only one. Admins can be jerks, so just find another server. Don't team-kill too much, or people will file a complaint. Same story with yelling too much. Instead, file your own complaints. Also, don't even respond to squeakers. Just mute them until they calm down.

My aunt's beagle is a demon?

Okay so I'm dog sitting for my aunt while she's out of town and her beagle puppy is awful! She shits in the house, gets on the table, and chews everything in sight! Whenever I try to take something she's not supposed to have, she growls and barks at me. And when I hit her with a rolled up newspaper, her eyes glow red and she growls. Then she whimpers and goes to lay down. How do I tell whether she's a demon or just demon-possessed? And if she's demon-possessed, how do I exorcise her? And if she's a demon, how do I tell my aunt?

What can I do about my sense of smell?

Ever since I got pregnant this time my sense of smell has been ridiculous. The smell of things, especially stinky things (trash, cat box, my husbands dirty socks and morning breath). As soon as I catch a whiff of one of these or any other foul stench I find my self running for the nearest toilet or trash can. Is there anything I can do to ease this?

How does the news and newspaper make you feel?

I hate the mainstream media. Full of lies. Especially CNN. Here is the proof CNN is corrupt and not telling the truth.

What does the phrase below in Oliver twist mean? I really need help..Thanks?

or at the very moment when the child had contrived to exist upon the smallest possible portion of the weakest possible food, it did perversely happen in eight and a half cases out of ten, either that it sickened from want and cold, or fell into the fire from neglect, or got half-smothered by accident; in any one of which cases, the miserable little being was usually summoned into another world, and there gathered to the fathers it had never known in this.

I've noticed a common theme in this section...?

Thanks for the support. Christianity is not really about Christianity but it is believing that Jesus Christ is Lord and saviour of all. Instead of looking at it as giving Christianity a try just give Jesus a try and see if he can make a difference in you life. The world hates the idea that Jesus can set you free from sin and guilt and give you your life back so you can enjoy it and be happy.

Is there a TD MEDiCAL AGENCY HOSPITAL in Lagos, Nigeria?

A Dr. Terry Duncan contacted my that my fiancee needs a head an abdominal surgery 'cuz he is in critical condition for car collision. The doctor is asking for money for the supposed surgery? I am scared.

Are landlords gods.?

As a renter in Dalton ,GA my landlord as not done no repairs to the place, when we call him we get this dell about it needs to be in writing so,we write to him but nothing gets done,we had no fan for are unit for a month and haft noting was done ,so i withhelled my rent ,but bay state law i wrong. This is just big money talking ,no rights for us.

How can I be less clumbsy?

I am a klutz....I stumble ,trip over , fall, knock things over spill my drinks, let my knives and forks fall every 5 min....and the harder I try to concentrate it gets worse.... just yesterday I misscalculated the "location of my mouth" and I poured the coffee a couple of inches further on my books..... is there anything that could help me???

Vital, Important, and Necessary Facts about FFA?

I have a final exam coming up for FFA/Intro to Agricultural Science cl and I'm freaking out b/c I'm not sure what information I need to be studying. If anyone can help me find the vital, important, and necessary facts about FFA, it would be so appreciated!

Where did the hellfire doctrine come from?

In ancient Babylonian and yrian beliefs the “nether world . . . is pictured as a place full of horrors, and is presided over by gods and demons of great strength and fierceness.” (The Religion of Babylonia and yria, Boston, 1898, Morris Jastrow, Jr., p. 581) Early evidence of the fiery aspect of Christendom’s hell is found in the religion of ancient Egypt. (The Book of the Dead, New Hyde Park, N.Y., 1960, with introduction by E. A. Wallis Budge, pp. 144, 149, 151, 153, 161) Buddhism, which dates back to the 6th century B.C.E., in time came to feature both hot and cold hells. (The Encyclopedia Americana, 1977, Vol. 14, p. 68) Depictions of hell portrayed in Catholic churches in Italy have been traced to Etruscan roots.—La civiltà etrusca (Milan, 1979), Werner Keller, p. 389.

Is the seat of our soul our pineal gland?

as Rene Descartes once said. . . I personally believe it's outside our body completely. Just like the Uud in Dr. Who.

Im having trouble making friends on the cheer team? and other problems?

so i recently joined my school's cheer team but im having trouble making friends. its not that im super shy or anything ( i have plenty of friends outside of cheer) and its not that i dont like the girls on the team either ( i think that theyre all super funny) the thing is that the girls are all extremely cliquey and i have trouble joining in to conversations because i feel like they are talking about things that i have ZERO knowledge of (like inside jokes, or shhh the ultimate plan). that has made me pretty shy with them and that leads to the problem of making friends. i just want a way to be able to get in on the conversations and make friends. because i am one of those girls that open up more after i get to know people better. so does anyone have any idea as to what ways to make myself more talk-to-able or to make myself interesting to the other girls? encouraging words help too :] and sometimes i have trouble picking up the dances so does anyone know of a way to fix that? also i cant even do a cartwheel and i really want to learn how to tumble so are there any exercises that can warm me up (and work on my leg/other flexibility) or help to even make a cartwheel possible??? thanks bunches!!!

Is there a wrist (or neck) carry strap designed to attach to the Kensington security slot on most laptops?

Some netbooks are light enough to carry easily in one hand. A wrist lanyard would secure against accidental drops without a significant weight penalty. The security slot provides a structurally rigid attachment point.

Can you tell me a good comedy?

Something that will get me under the table ^^.Like Don't Be a Menace or Senseless, How High or even Looney Toons.Those are just examples :)

Do you guys think that black ops will be better than mw2?

I think it will personally because of commando,danger close, ump .45. Just want to hear what you guys think?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What should I do :-/?

Like all viruses IMMUNITY is what you should focus on to build.If he has outbreaks avoid physical contact especially on broken skin.Get as much info. as you can and educate yourself.Get counselling if need be.HSV1 is not the end of the world its just the beginning of seeing the world for what it is and doing your best not to get caught in its evils

How do you make 12 cupcakes out of 24 cupcake-cake mix?

I have Baker Josef's (Trader Joe's) golden yellow cake mix that can make 24 cupcakes. I would only like to make 12 cupcakes and was wondering if anyone had a solution to this problem (it calls for 1 cup of water, 3 eggs, 1 cup oil/1 cup melted er).

What are some Good Movies?

of course enemy at the gates came out in march 2001, inglorious s came out in 2009, saving private ryan, tears of the sun 2003, flyboys, in pursuit of honour, the last battilion, the pacific, and saints and soliders

Would you still date your boyfriend if this was his situation?

Your boy friend has accepted the way he is living today. Rather he is comfortable in that house as he has no other option. Beautifying the walls by murals is not a bad idea but will it be visible for others with the darkness of the inside area of guest house., it is to be seen by you. If you are a real friend of that guy, don't leave him till he overcomes from the present difficult time of his life.

I am married but in love with my old flame.?

We lost contact for almost 28 years and when I finally found her, i suddenly realized my hidden love for her. We met when I came to her country to work and within 5 days, we became intimate. I felt so much love for her and she too but the problems that we have are, I am married with 2 kids and she is someone mistress and been with him for almost 20 years. Her man found out about it and I was warned and my wife was informed. He forwarded all our lusty emails to my wife and we had a terrible fight. But I still can't forget my lover and hope to see her again, soon. Am I being stupid or should I just leave her for good? She confide to me that she is not happy with her man but just hanging on for the right time to leave him. But she still enjoy having with him and sometimes with me too ( NO MORE). She even dare to tell me of her man ual prowess while I am quite pathetic. What should I do with her? Please help and no criticisms please. This is my first time here and I am desperate for good advise.

Why do people feel others are entitled to the people's money?

These people don't put any faith in humanity, so they feel it's the governments job to force everyone to be charitable, although being forced to pay more taxes isn't really the same as charity.

2011 chevy hhr fog

i just purchased a 2011 chevy hhr which came with no fog lights just the black louvered knockout plugs.after removing them i found that it is not's a circle thats been cut off at the top,which makes it straight across the top.i called chevy and the don't offer any kits or lights at all{way to go chevy}.aftermarket fog lights leave a gap around the opening.i would like to have it look as close to factory as i can.doe's anyone have any suggestions as what to do.thanks for your help....MR.B

Should i talk to her now or just wait?

yo just take her apology she really means it , reading that you can tell she feels sorry and wants to be friends. be her friend again, because its pretty hard dealing with a broken friendship.

Help deciphering ups tracking information?

Ok I am tracking my package on ups and I'm not sure what the notifications mean exactly, here are the listed descriptions: retrieved from shipper (October 15th). Received at ups mail innovations origin rpf (October 15th) processed at ups mail innovations origin rpf (October 16th) transferred to ups jail innovations destination rpf (October 16th) electronic shipping information received )October 18th) and that last status was in my city and state does this mean I will get it soon?

Is it weird to think ' The oly woman ill sleep with is my wife ' ?

I jus read a past question wich said a girl slept with her best friend . some1 posted ' we al sleep with our best friends ' . I cant believe it ., I mean im 18 .... kno evrythin a person needs to kno bout .... a lil induced i guess ( fyi .... i dont hav interests in nowadays ) . but i don wanna be sleepin around with any1 unless its my life partner ( don mind if its b4 or after marriage ) .... but oly one person for me . Is tht weird ?

What exactly should I be doing with this recent break up?

First off I don't think you accidently blow him kisses or tell him you love him. I think that you are playing games. I have been there to. You are holding onto him because you obviously still care for him, but at the same time you want to be with other people. You can continue to play games with him and keep luring him in and letting him go, but thats mean and he needs to move on its only fair. You cannot have the best of both worlds even though it would be nice. You need to come to grips that you broke up with him for a reason and you need to get over him. Sure you can be friends with him, but you need to make that clear thats what you want and nothing more. If you still have feelings for him and want to be with him....stop playing games and be with him! Tell him straight up that you don't want him and stop telling him you love him if you truly don't. Its sucks but game playing isn't cool. If you were close to his family and still have a relationship with them I dont see anything wrong with giving them gifts, but you should cut that tie soon to. Good luck.

Please, what are your thoughts on my poem.?

I like the structure of your poem, how it moves from "inept" to "capable." Interesting metaphors.

What was the episode of Yugioh Gx when Blair/Rei returned?

Please help i've been looking for it all over the internet and i couldn't find it anywhere, thank you.

Do you think it would be weird of me to get a tattoo of?

expressing yourself is awesome and the fact that it would also be what your mom did is even cooler so i totally say GO FOR IT if that's what u really want to do i think its amazing and wish u the !!!!! woo woo!

Need help with writing a poem?

i need to write 4 stanzas based on the book "dr jekyll and mr hyde" has to be in that shakepearean format? im not sure what its called but every other line has to rhyme...(abab efef gg) please help..i need this done by tonite

Was Jesus immune to intoxication?

He had flesh like anyone else so he could be intoxicated. Hollywood and traditional religion has made Jesus a white hippie, but he was not. He was a Jew, and he probably did not have long hair like a girl or at least that long.

Who is next for the GOP?

Personally I would be ecstatic if someone like Ron Paul takes it, but I won`t hold my breath. The Cons still have their head in the sand. They will eventually wake up and do the right thing, don`t know how long the wait will be. I also feel that a female candidate will increase their chances tremendously, but please not Palin. This idea will beat Obama`s re-election. We will see what their plan will be, hopefully mudslinging will take a rest next time too!

I just came out and it was a disaster. What do I do?

None of my friends will talk to me, and I've gotten some extremely rude text messages. My life is pretty hellish right now...what do I do to make it better?

I just moved to Houston and I am terrified I wont fit in?

hmm confindence problems eh well all u got to is just to say hi then it might all just be able to work out =)

Where can you buy animal pheromones?

I know your wondering why I'm asking, but its for a senior prank since I'm going to be a senior this year. I have this horrific Idea for a prank which involves animal pheromones. I'm specifically look for pheromones that attract rodents , mouse, possums, rabbits, squirrels, ect.

Are you eating your apple upside down!!?

I start from the sides, but there is nothing wrong with eating it upside down. As a matter of fact, stay there while i get and apple. =D !!! hehehe

I have a dilemma, what should I do?

If that is what you are going to do, just let them know you have somewhere else to stay. There is no need to offer more information.

Tongue Piercing!?? Please Helpppp?

Mmk, so. In January,, i was diagnosed withhh Hodgkins Lymphoma and i got chemo for about 4 months and May was my last chemo session. I had scans like a month after that and they were clear, and a couple weeks ago, i got more scans and those were clear also. so basicaly, im cancer free now. The doctor said my immune system is like almost normal but its still a LITTLE bit low. My aunt was going to take me to get my tongue pierced for my birthday (i turned 15) but my mom said no cause my immune systems too low and its an 'open sore'. i want this SOOO bad. I know all the risks and stuff but does it make a HUGE diffrence that i have a kinda low immune system? ill take all the precautions and try to make sure it wont get infected. Please help mee persuade my mom haah. thanksss<3

Does my bestfriend like me back?

Okay my name is aaron and her name is courtney anyway I met her about 2 months into the school year. She soon became one of my best friends. Then she had a falling out with her best freind alana and she got a little sad this was around winter this is also the time were I started to call and talk to her on the phone for a few hours at a time. We got extremley close and she started telling me that I made everything better and I was the closest she's ever been with anyone and I'll be the closest ever. She always told me I was really attractive looking and she started grabbing my *** a lot( like every time I saw her or bent down) I didn't like her like that at the time, but she new I don't really like being touched( she obviosly didn't care) anyway that whole phase where she did all that lasted about 3 months, all my friends said that I should try and be with her because I look really happy around her and they've never seen me like that with any of the other girls I've been with, but I didn't like her like that. And I made sure she knew that. A month after that she became distant so I asked why and she wouldn't tell me eventually she did but not before I guessed like a hundred ****** times!!!!! Any way it was a few things 1. I lied to her about me being sad one time( depressed really I told her I was okay) 2. Her x boyfriend rejected her, and then we started talking on the phone every day again not as long though but they got longer with time. Then like a month later she was talking about this guy she might like around our friends, and I thought that was wierd because she never said anything about guys around me( except Ryan renolds) anyway I started to mind and get jelous and so I asked her on the phone if she felt anything different about me and she said why do you want me too! And I said no and I forgot about it a few weeks later I finally admitted to myself that I liked her more than a friend. So I told I liked her but she said she didn't like me, is she lying?

When Atheists convert on their Deathbeds, does it only serve to irritate living Atheists?

Can you provide a few links so that we can see some of these atheists condemning their atheism? Can you provide just ONE?

Cancer from water bottles-True? False? PLEASE ANSWER!!!?

Okay, I've heard that you can get cancer from re-useable water bottles.. Is it true that you can get cancer from these water bottles if you DON'T wash them? Can you get cancer even if you DO wash them?


aww im sorry:'( thats awfull, i came to school without my bra, i forgot to put it on lol so tht was soooo embaring!

Song from the Simpsons (10 points)?

On one of the halloween specials Martin (nerd) cameos as the phantom of the opera and plays a song on the piano, what is the name of the song

What happens if you get into two car accidents in one day as a minor?

im 17 years old and i got into a little accident pulling out of the high school parking lot and scratched the car bumper and they reported it to the police and they gave me a reckless endangerment on private property ticket for that, and also I got into a fender bender 20 minutes later and he reported it to the police and i got a speeding ticket for not maintaining a safe distance behind the car in front of me, im going to have to make a claim for the car i damaged and i don't know about the small scratch i put on the other car, what do you think is going to happen?

Did you hear the latest update on the clements scandal ot whatever you wish to call it?

Bush has more pressing things on his agenda to get involved with this. Congress has already wasted too much time on it.

My 3 year old Maltese bison, is normally a calm dog. she eats, play and is well. regularly during the day,?

It could be, dogs of any breed can have seisures or it might be that she/he might have a disease. It might also be anxious about something. When did the shaking start? Did any thing happen before the shaking started? In any case try taking it to a local vet to see whats going on.

How to keep a edgier style in the summer? 10points!?

well you could get some ideas out of magazines to help you or you could get a new hair do like one of those spike dos that alot of the girls are wearing these days

Government housing needs better accommodations?

You could write to your local or state representative for new changes, also to the office ahead of your housing complex.

What kind of photo can I upload in facebook?Can i publish my shoes and other items for my friends to checkout?

My friends used to order shoes and other items from me whenever i go to jeddah and Riyadh.And since the stores are not giving out catalogs anymore,i use to send them pictures thru MMS or attach them in my e-mails.I guess it's easier if they just open my profile and my albums and check out the items themselves.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

MTB vs BMX hellppppp?

ive been riding motocross and started bmx and ive seen urban mtb(idk if thats wat u call it) but every bike ive seen has been like 1000 bucks or watever so im lookin 4 1 thats got the style of like a urban haro mtb but like cheap as in like 300

Where can I find swatches of car paint on metal?

BASF has their paint samples on metal chips. It would be expensive to buy the whole thing, but a local paint supply store that carries BASF would probably let you borrow some.

I want help of indian frnds.?

how is ias merit is prepared in the pre examination,as we know that there are many optional subject each has to pick one of merit prepared on the basis of higher marks regardless of subject or subject-wise,for example if there are A B C D E are five category and each has BOTANY ZOOLOGY POLITICS HISTORY AND MATH and A category of botany obtain 235 245 255 265 AND 275 marks out of three hundred ,will upsc select the student of only botany category becoz of higher marks or from each subject with equal proportion?

Will the 4 witness method still apply now and in the future?

recently a girl was gang d and the rapist video it. the police then got the video but the islamic supreme court there wouldn't allow it because can only be proven by 4 adult muslim male that watched the and saw . no dna is allowed either under sharia law. 90 % of the girls and women in pakistan are victims. they were foolish enought to report the without the proof of 4 muslim males watching it.

Rat Bedding and Ferret cages?

Okay about the rat bedding, why is the yellowish type of wood shavings is bad? im using right now this care fresh type, and i dont like the color of it because its a dull color. could you tell me wat is bad about it. and is there any other type of good bedding? And about the ferret cage, would the lenght between the wires be to big for rats? Im looking at the one that is on and its the first cage on ferret nation cages. If you think that is not good enough please tell the right cage for them that is big,roomy,and perfect...thanks

Muslims: Why is it that every Hadith that makes Muhammad looks bad isn't "authentic"?

Half hypocrisy and half PR, is my guess. How anyone could mistake that crazy, brutal killer for a prophet is beyond me.

My dog won't stop hyperventilating an hour after we came back from a very short walk.?

She's a Belgian sheepdog who is almost 13 & she is slightly overweight (apx 5 lbs). I can't get her to drink any water. She is on antibiotics for a tooth abscess..It's also fairly warm in my house because theres no airconditioning. I don't know if teres really something wrong with her. I tried to pet her to calm her down & her heart rate is very fast. I'm just worried shes going to give herself a heart attack. Andy ideas what to do to help her calm down, or why shes like this?

How long does it take to get your BSN after you received your ASN?

Do you mean add on? I have never heard it called that. Getting a BSN is simply a higher degree, your title, RN, is the same. It depends on the school that you go to and how many credit hours you take at a time. I have seen some school advertise that their RN-BSN program can be completed in one year or three semesters, but that refers to at least one calendar year and taking 12-16+ credit hours a semester, being a full time student. I would say the average is about two years and there is likely some additional general education course required for your BSN that you didn't need to get your ociates like statistics, chemistry, an additional english or writing course, etc. But you might check out the schools in your area that offer this type of program.

Was the Bible plagiarized?

The Holy Babble is just a book of fairy tales-- with some historical facts thrown in (notice I use the word "SOME").

A 32 year old man has trouble tying his shoelaces,writing,and walking in a straight line. A computer

tomographic scan of the brain would likely reveal that the man has an abnormality in the a. cerebrum b.cerebellum c. brain stem d.diencephalon

How Do I Meet Girls While Home Schooled?

I used to be home schooled and found it hard to make friends. I suggest joining a club, the gym, coffee shops where students hang out, at work (when you start your job), parks, the theater, if you are a Christian some churches have youth clubs, places where teenagers go to (malls, discos, arcades etc). Don't be shy to just go up to someone and start a conversation, you have nothing to lose. Once you find one friend, you can meet his/her friends, then the friends of his friends and so on. If your parents have any friends with children, you can ask to meet them.

What are some hot latin song that are good driving music?

So far I have: No Te Veo, Casa De Leones; Me Estas Tentando, Wisin Y Yandel; Don Omar- Hasta Abajo, Frankie El Jefe; Abosadora, Wisin Y Yandel...........I would like at least 10 songs

School Lunch Recipes?

This year for my freshmen year in high school I want to eat healthy lunches, and not just crap. So if anyone has a healthy good recipe that would be useable then please share!!!

Re: CSF shunt for hydrocephalus, does a catheter actually pierce the brain?

And if so, where? I understand what the catheter does, why its inserted, so dont give me a long cut and paste from wikipedia. And i'll talk to my neurosurgeon tomorrow. But I was just wondering, does the catheter actually pierce the brain on its way to the ventricles, and if so, how do they know where to pierce the brain? I've had a shunt for 42 years, that's why I'm asking. I recently had my first revision in 30 years and I'm learning a lot.

Is there any way a fastball can turn into a slider?

I asked a question earlier and i went and talked to my neibor and I told him what my fastball was doing he asked me how was I holding the ball and he said it was a little off center so he told me to pitch to him and the ball broke when I gripped it like a fastball is there any way it could be a slider or cutter because I was clocked at 68(only 13 here) so I'm not lobbing the ball I'm throwing hard so it shouldn't break at all when I grip it in a 4 seam so could it be a slider cutter or curve

Good friend? or moving on?

Me and my bestfriend Katie have been friends since we were in Primary school. Very close friends. A few years ago I introduced her to my new then step moms family. My family ended up doing very nasty things to me... unforgiving things. On Katies birthday she said I would invite you out but I know you wouldn't want to so, I was alittle offended by that. Next thing I know she is up to my step moms house partying with them. Do you think this is wrong? It kind of makes me wonder if she is actually my friend. She just got back from a vacation like 7 days ago, and se still has not contacted me.

How do alkali and acid accelerate electricity conduction in water during eletrolysis?

Alkali and acid accelerate electricity conduction in water during eletrolysis due to a thing called hydroxy or acid switching / flipping (don't know if this is the right term). Water contsists of then broken down HO- ions and H+ ions. If more H+ or HO- is added to water they will form weak bonding between the H+ and the oxygen on the water or in the case of OH- they will bond with the hydrogens. Then a curret is ped through the solution the electrons travel from one electrode to the other. With pure water the electrons will travel slowly. But with added H+ or -OH the electrons can flip to the next water molecule has the these weak bonds are formed into real bonds, this leaves the next molecule with a charge inbalance and plus it loses a H+ or HO- which then forms a weak interaction with the next water molecule in line. This happens until the electron has travel from one electrode to the other and plus greatly increases the speed of conduction through water.

How can i make it appear as two of me in the same room (clone) by merging 2 videos i have avs and roxio 2009?

You'll need to shoot yourself twice, in the same space, using the same camera LOCKED OFF in a single shot. The key is to NOT cross an imaginary "center line" running down the middle of your image. Then you need to crop and align the two clips in editing. Also, try to avoid any elements in the background that might cross that middle line (where the two clips will be "seamlessly" joined), like trees blowing, people in the distance, cars ping, etc.

Adopting a dog for our family?

I want to ask this question because i am getting a st bernard and i have 2 young kids which i am concerned about. The question is HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KISSED(licked) BY A SLOBBERY DOG (st bernard, mastiff, great dane. bulldog, boxer)? WHAT DID IT FEEL LIKE? HOW WET WAS IT? The reason i want to know is because this st bernard slobbers a ton and is very affectionate and i just want my 2 kids to not be alarmed or harmed by the slobber. Is their any diseases they can get from being wet slobbery kisses. Do you let your dog kiss you. Would you let your dog kiss you if it gave you wet slobbery kisses like this st bernard. I realize that this is one of the draw backs of getting a st bernard but me and my wife both want one.

Which Men's Boots are in style right now? Especially for New York.?

I need boots so whats the style now? I like these new rocawear boots called Son of Roc. Is Rocawear still poppin? What else is fresh right now?

What do you do when your parents are stalking your life?

Yeah I know they are your parents and they are supposed to make you stay out of trouble. BUT- what if you are a good kid, out of trouble, doing your best, making good grades, being good and your parents are frickin' stalking your entire life anyways? Checking your messages, stalking your facebook page, reading your diary, rummaging through your things, looking at your checking account register, checking grades and emailing teachers, and following you???? I need something to do about this for the next two months before I move back in with my mom in New Mexico. please help

FTP question. Please Help. Thank in Advance!?

I'm kinda confused as to why you even use FTP. Most webspace providers have open access to your file directory and the ability to upload directly to them.

Are there any good paintball guns that do not require a co2 tanks?

Are there any good paintball guns that do not require a co2 tank? I live overseas and I am not permitted to ship anything through the gov't mail system that contains any form of gas tanks, aerosols, etc.

Lost file on my computer?

i was trying to copy a docx file from my phone to my laptop. i had the phone connected with the cable, and on the folder with all the files on my phone, i highlighted the one i wanted and hit ctrl+x. and on the desktop, right-clicked and clicked 'paste'. and as i was doing this, i got a pop-up from microsoft office clipboard saying the file was removed because my computer didn't support the format. i ume because i'm still running office 2003. but now the file didn't get copied to my computer, and it's no longer on my phone. any ideas on how i can get it back?

Stoneware Clay Questions?

It is possible to build your own temporary kiln and do the Raku style of work.If you Google raku you will find lots of links.I know a number of potters and have photographed a number of raku firings.

How do you write a biography?

I have to write a report on a women named celia cruz well i have all the info its just know i need to know how to write it???

I need to know what is wrong please its a female problem only answer if you can help!?

I know i have an infection of some kind but this is going to sound gross i relized when i went to the bathroom i had peed out like flesh thing sometimes its there other times its not the one time it was brownish color. I thini i have a uti and im taking AZO medician to stop the pain untill i go to the docters please someone help i cant find anything on the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I havea ipod touch 2g i was trying to jailbreak and when i tried putting it into dfu mode it locked up, i can'?

It seems like your iPod is still in DFU mode. Hold both the home and sleep/wake on for 10 seconds until an Apple logo comes up. If it doesn't come up, then try holding the home on for 10 seconds, both home and sleep/wake for 15 seconds and just the power on for 15 seconds. Hopefully this works!

Does anyone know how to ad text to the end of a youtube URL?

I wanna make my video more high quality by adding &fmt=18 to the end of my url, but for some reason it wont let me!

In R&S Who do you think you are?

As soon as Christians preach this they are preaching separatism and that leads to hate on their part. This is where religion becomes violent. Killing in the name of Christ. Convert or Eliminate all that oppose us.

I need help with my Itouch!!!?

Ok, I reseted my itouch the other day, and while I waited for it to turn on, it froze on the apple boot logo. I cant do anything to it, and when i connect it to my computer, it either doesn't connect or says cannot find hardware!!! I tried everything to restore it, i pressed power and home on, and then let go of home, NADA! I went on youtube and tried everything, I cant put it in dfu mode, the only thing i can do is make it show a usb and an itunes image. HEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLPPPPPP!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Please read and help me.No jokes Please?

i had unprotected with a girl whose hiv status i don't know.It was my first time and i had masturbated before doing ,then i put my **** in her ****** and it was not even 30 seconds that i d and we stopped.Before this when i fingered her ****** it was not wet really.So after a week i got tested for hiv PCR test and it showed negative.Then after 14 days ie 15th day i retested for hiv PCR test and it was negative again.So i wanted to ask how conclusive are my results after 14 days?As i am being told that the PCR test is a detailed one and it looks for even a small micro particles in blood.Please Help me I am really very scared and will never ever in my life do such a stupid thing.I am really worried.

Why are coaches fined for complaining?

Especially in the NBA and NFL coaches can barely say anything about the officiating without get whacked with fines. Doesn't this violate their freedom of speech?

Will my 20ft pontoon boat be ok in a wet slip at the lake all winter?

I live in Texas, and the slip my boat is in is on Lake Tawakoni. I plan on changing my lower unit oil and grease, and more than likely getting a tune up done. If it will be fine in the water over the winter should I trim the motor all the way up or down? I have a 50 hp Nissan outboard motor.

What do you think of the nick show, Fan Boy and Chum Chum?

What do you think of Nickelodeons new nick series Fan Boy and Chum Chum? I think it's annoying. IMO. What do you think of it?

Who are your best/ favorite super smash bros brawl characters?

i like pit, ike, link, samus, snake, and sheik, i hardly use snake and sheik, but i like them, and am okay with them

Really itchy crack?

My crack itches. I consider myself a hygienic person; I don't believe it is due to improper cleaning. It is not very discolored, just a little red. It also itches around (not in) my . I don't believe it is sweat either--it actually started after I took a break from an everyday physical activity. It is also definitely not an STI/STD. Any help? Thank you.

How do u either ask ur parents for a myspace or a facebook or how do u kep it away from them HELP!!?

oh and plus people i need a little advice what kinds of dogs do u people like or want and guys what do u like in a girl

Is it weird that i am attracted to older women?

I am a 17 yr old highschool student. I had girlfriends my age in the past but they just dont seem to cut it. Of coarse i am attracted to pretty young women my age, but usually only in looks. I am usually very attracted to older women ranging from 28 through even 40! I had crushes on my teacher for a long time who is now 32. I had a fling with my physical therepist and she is 29... shhhh i know its illegal. I am not only attracted to an older womens ual aspects, but i would actually date a 28-40 yr old women just because i am attracted to them in every way, not just physically. Older women just have a unique beauty about them. All day i day dream about older women, and when i think of girls my age, it makes me very uneasy. The thought of dating someone my age is uneasy, however, the thought of dating an older women is comforting. Am i just completely weird, confused, or a mixture of the two?

If faith won't bring you to church,how can it take you to heaven?

If a person hasn't enough faith to cause them to seek God in church, or Bible cl, or private study.....then it's not the faith God is talking about.

Why is Charlie short for Charles if they are both the same number of letters? and more funny questions:?

These are funny because they make you wonder about the logical thoughts behind those who created them. Haven't heard some of these before. Thanks.

Stages of life in islam???

Yes to the first question. Yes (pretty sure) to your second statement. Not sure about your third one...but ill say probably

Have you ever considered that maybe there is no purpose to your life?

We are just floating on a speck in an infinite universe. Nothing to do but do what we do. Waiting to be swallowed up again. Do you really find that to be depressing? It is quite freeing to me. If I could just keep that in mind throughout the whole day I think all my fears and dread would be gone. Life really is too short to waste arguing with people who do not wish to know. We're not doing anything here. True wisdom rings true. There is nothing that rings true on here. Not even my words stand up to the criticisms, but that should not keep me from learning and trying to know. So the purpose I have prescribed myself is knowledge. I am done here. I will go make something of the hours remaining of today and the days remaining of my life. I shall find contentment in considering this strange meaningless life.

Why does my 3 year old little girl hate me?!?

I realize that most 3 year olds are seeking independence at this age.... but my daughter throws a tantrum so often that it scares my wife and me. We give her the most love a child could ask for, but her ego continues to battle me. We try to empathise with her and ask her to use her words, but it is only getting worse!:(

STI worries. Please help, urgent.?

Basically I have been concerned about sti's for a long time now but was too worried to get tested. My ex partner told me he might have ped on an infection but we do not speak anymore and I cannot contact him to ask him about this. We also had . When I eventually did I got told I have BV and was treated for that. This got rid of the strong smell and greenish discharge I was getting but I am still getting irritation on the outside of my mainly after urination however it is not strong. There is a slightly yellowish colour to my discharge but it does not smell. I have also been experiencing lower abdominal pain and increased ping of gas. I have been tested 3 times now for gonorrhea chlamydia HIV and syphilis and all have been negative. I've been tested for thrush and UTI's also and all still negative. Ive been to 4 doctors and all seem to be telling me this will be fine but I'm still worried. I've been with my new partner for a few months now but I'm scared to have because of this even though I do not want to abstain any longer I just don't know what to do. Any advice would be great.

I would like to know your opinion as to the guilt or innocense of John Karr.?

Do you feel that he committed the murder, or does he seek publicity, or was he involved in the planning? Have you cleared John and Patsy completely?

If Your Kind Please Help...If Your not Then Dont LEave Me A Mean Comment!?

Describe how the leadership in a parliamentary and presidential democracy acquires power and explain how each type of government uses its power.

REVISED...Breaking up my 2 male dogs fighting?

I know now that I have to be more detailed to get the answers I'm looking for. I have 2 male dogs that have been fixed. One is a pit/lab 85lbs.and the other a shar-pei/jindo 60lbs. I have no problems whatsoever except for that split second that all of a sudden, the two dogs that get along are now in a fight. It happens when the pit gets very excited, he sort of goes into a zone, that's one I've noticed. There have also been times I've witnessed the shar-pei start as well. I have 4 rescues, all big dogs and life is so wonderful 99% of the time...the other 1% is me terrified there will be a fight or that I'm actually breaking one up. Because it happens so infrequently and they all play so well, I don't want to separate them. Last year it only happened once for instance. Right now I'm off of work and would like to figure this out and see if there's a solution; but foremost in the moment, I need to know how to break it up safely. I have stitches in my hand from last weeks brawl...I need it safe for me and the dogs. Again, the hose/air horn do not seem to work. Someone suggested the foam fire extinguisher and the cattle prod. Also, yes...I'm the alpha dog, so please don't suggest that I walk through the door first, feed them separately or avoid treats...again, this isn't the problem, my dogs know the pecking order without question. Please help.

Dell Inspiron 1525 HDMI no sound?

Ive searched around Yahoo answers and none of them are useful. My Inspiron is hooked up to my 37 Panasonic Viera by an HDMI cable. No sound comes from the tv except itunes music wich is wierd. for example i cant get any sound from my tv from watching movies or videos from youtube or music from websites such as myspace. Itunes is the only sound coming from my tv. Any help?

I think this is horrible...?

That poor dog, he's destined for so many health issues and he doesn't even know it. It's despicable how people take such good dogs and breed them to be these humongous monsters just for looks or to parade them around. I get asked all the time by teens (mostly male) "is that dog Razors Edge?" It's so frustrating to know that this has become the glamorized way of seeing a beautiful breed. I've heard that these dogs doesn't even contain the drive and willingness to work like a pure bred pit. It's so discouraging to think that this breed will never escape the negativity and it's things like this that make it so.

Retire the Joker?! WTF?!?

NO! I actually think that is a great thing to do for him. He deserves it for being so amazing in that role, and then suddenly and tragically dying from a drug overdose. They should give the poor lost talent that. I mean, who can really top a performance like that?! You might as well retire the Joker! Introduce another villain to the franchise, and maybe another actor will blow us away with that one as much Heath did with Joka. *takes deep breath; almost fainting* Thank you, good night!

What can I do my cleaning lady stealing from me?

Well I live with my parents and we have cleaning ladies come and clean. Well theres this one in particular who is asian and she cleans terribly. What she'll do is clean the rooms my parents stay in and when it comes to my rooms she treats them like trash. She has bended my blinds in every room from the attitude she has when she cleans them. She does all this bad cleaning in front of me and doesnt do anything but treat me like crap. She also goes through my drawers and takes small stuff light lighters and things she thinks I wont notice. When i tell my parents they dont believe me and say that its me that did it. That was just the first problem i had. Next I went to the post office one day and she thought I was gonna be gone a long time and I came back to find her listening to my ipod and cleaning. She also takes my toothbrush and puts it in the toiled. I have started changing the heads on my toothbrush so she sticks the old one in it. That got me a little mad, but I was more mad when I had marked a quarter out of my change and she stole a couple of dollars. Still not a big problem. Then I notice every time she comes, she takes a graphic novel from me. These are worth 15 to 20 dollars. I count them take pictures and they are clearly gone. She also comes only once every couple of weeks so I cant confront her the next week. I tell my parents and they just say she wouldnt do that. So now I ask what should I do? I cant afford a hidden camera. Any suggestions?

Guys, if you HAD to, would you rather wear a bra for a day ..................?

if you had to, would you rather wear a bra and a pair of tighty whities for a day, out in public, or would you rather wear a thong and a nothing else?

Whats a good site to create a logo for my company?

If this helps my companies name is PTA Gaming. Also suggestions are appreciated. If you want to visit my site here it is.

What order should I put my fish into the tank?

I personally would start with the yoyos (redtails can be a bit territorial at times), then the redtail, then the barbs (starting with 5 then moving up to about 10).

Help me get over this guy? Or any sort of advice?! Please! I'm so sick of this!?

Im in high school btw. K so I'm in love with this guy. We went out last year but I totally screwed it up. Long story. But I never got over him ever though I did the breaking up. He always acts like he likes me but says he doesn't! (that was awhile ago and now he knows the truth about what happened the night of our break up. He's been extra flirty after hebfound out) I get so sad about it but I love it because it makes me feel so euphoric because I love him! It's just hurting me though! And he's moving this summer. Far away. I'll probably never see him again. I'm so torn. What should I do?! I've been crying every night because I'm so confused and hurt! Please give me advice?! Thanks so much

Bruce Jenner is a Legend!!!!!?


Puyol and Pique forcing the Barca shirt onto Cesc?

Wow....who was just watching SSN? Cesc looked sooooo embarred and wanted to take it off so badly. Think it's disrespectful but their spirits are high so who can blame them?

Navy Orders Question?

I've im in the Navy and I just finished A school and I got orders to FLT DEMO RON UIC 30929 in Pensacola, FL. I don't really know to much about it. If I'm stationed on a ship but I'm in my home port do I live on the ship or will I live in the barracks while my ship is not on deployment? Also I live in California and I'm currently in Meridian, MS. I'm going home on 14 days leave will I have to pay for my own plane ticket back to Florida? If you know anything please let me know.

Can somebody help with Halo 3?

What I would really like is to find the walk through on the internet for free. Can anybody help there? I am having a hell of a time where Master Chief is supposed to go into save the Marines, but is met with the Aliens. He can hide behind that green turret thing, but that big f@#ker with that hammer comes down and kills me. Dammit! How do you kill that SOB and help me get through this. My wife has become scared of me!!

Is Rimmel nail polish toxic?

Does anyone know where I can to for information? I've tried the Rimmel website and they only have information on the products that they sell, not the products itself. I also tried Wikipedia. I'm wondering the level of toxicity or if I should be concerned about a toddler that has it on her fingernails that sucks on her fingers.

Monday, August 8, 2011

What's today's scientific and psychological view on C. Jung?

In my opinion, he is one of the most brilliant men...ever! but some say his theories should not be taken too seriously,and lack conclusive evidence.

How do I choose a mage therapy course?

No, you don't get paid better if you live in the US. Mage isn't like nursing. You don't get paid better the more education you have. It's all the same. If you're going to waste your time & money on mage then pay as little as possible.

What will be the approximate cost/fine for a first time speeding ticket + traffic school?

I was written down at 75 in a 65 zone(15 north freeway in California near Mira Mesa). This is the first ticket I have ever gotten and was actually the first time I was ever stopped by a chp officer. I'm not sure if this would affect the cost/fine but I am 19, almost 20 and am currently going to college.

Should obese people get handicapped stickers and get to ride the little motor scooters in the store?

Being legitimately handicapped is one thing. Getting a sticker and a motorized scooter because you weigh 450 lbs. and tire easily after take 10 steps is an atrocity! Being obese is a personal choice in 95% of the over-weight cases. About 5% of the cases a legimate due to medical reasons. Spilling over the seat of the scooter that runs sluggish is typically a sign that you need to cut back on the fast food, snacks and donuts.

Would like abit of friendly advice about my staffy?

i ave already asked this question but got alot of funny replys instead of help. i bred my dog 4 wks ago & took her 2 the vets both times afta she ad mated & was told its about 20 days afta they can tell if she is pregnant. i am takin her bk 2 the vets next wk but until i do are there any signs i would b able 2 c that would say she is pregnant? she is eatin alot more than usual which i no can b a sign. i am not a BYB & am not breedin her 4 the money as i ave been told. i just want a lil bit of extra friendly advice.

Is it me or are Sicilians scared of women with guy friends?

Because if that's the case, then Europe, with the exception of Spain, truly isn't all that progressive compared to the US

I want to know some good symphonic black metal bands?

I know a few already, but when I am searching through countless bands on, it gets tiresome. If you already know some, it would be nice to know them.

HP psc 2175 all-in-one printer with Mac OS X?

I continually have software issues with my HP psc 2175 printer. The printer works fine for copies or scanning, just printing -spits out dozens of blank sheets- spits out partial pages-or nothing at all. The problems occur especially when printing emails or from web sites. I download new printer drivers and it works for a while, then stops. Any clues?

Answer these pleaseeee?

first of all, these sound like 2nd grade problems. pretty basic math here. if you ARE a second grader, you're too young to be on here. if you aren't, suppose you do your own homework? or at least post this question in the proper section.

Any tax experts out there?

I only earned $11,000 this year. $523 was taken out for federal. I used a calulator estimate online to get aan idea of my return. It said i owe $33. I claim 0 exemptions. I don't understand why i owe money since i don't make that much.

What veggies would you include in pesto chicken pasta dish?

I'm going to make chicken, whole wheat penne, and pesto but what veggies should I do? No mushrooms, onions, or tomatoes.

Can some one please help me please?

I work for a snack bar and they say we are contract workers i know this is because they don't want to have to get Workman's comp insurance but how do i file taxes if they are not taking any out and they pay us in cash.