Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What can I do my cleaning lady stealing from me?

Well I live with my parents and we have cleaning ladies come and clean. Well theres this one in particular who is asian and she cleans terribly. What she'll do is clean the rooms my parents stay in and when it comes to my rooms she treats them like trash. She has bended my blinds in every room from the attitude she has when she cleans them. She does all this bad cleaning in front of me and doesnt do anything but treat me like crap. She also goes through my drawers and takes small stuff light lighters and things she thinks I wont notice. When i tell my parents they dont believe me and say that its me that did it. That was just the first problem i had. Next I went to the post office one day and she thought I was gonna be gone a long time and I came back to find her listening to my ipod and cleaning. She also takes my toothbrush and puts it in the toiled. I have started changing the heads on my toothbrush so she sticks the old one in it. That got me a little mad, but I was more mad when I had marked a quarter out of my change and she stole a couple of dollars. Still not a big problem. Then I notice every time she comes, she takes a graphic novel from me. These are worth 15 to 20 dollars. I count them take pictures and they are clearly gone. She also comes only once every couple of weeks so I cant confront her the next week. I tell my parents and they just say she wouldnt do that. So now I ask what should I do? I cant afford a hidden camera. Any suggestions?

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